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Book Reviews

On October 1st, 2016, Enchanted Book Blog Tours started the first book blog tour of the series, The Adventures of Fawn. The first book reviews came out on October 9th, 10th, and 11th.

You can read the posts here:


they are condensed in a post below:

Book Reviews from Jessica and Gracie’s Tree

Book 1---October 8, 2016


This book is AMTASTIC! That’s amazing and fantastic.. a word I learned from this book. This is such a charming book with pretty awesome hand-drawn pictures. The only reason why it’s not getting 5 stars is because of it’s length, I do feel it’s a little too long for a kids’ book.

So, Comet and Vixen, the famous reindeer, have a baby and that baby’s name is Fawn. Fawn is a little spoiled, stubborn, and has ahuge attitude. She decides that her parents, despite pulling Santa’s sleigh for years, know nothing and sneaks out of Santa’s Village. She does this for several weeks, meeting some colorful characters such as Snowboy and Bunny. This is a story about friendship, love, and the magic of believing.

Despite being named after her, I don’t believe Fawn is the main character here. This is the story of Fawn, Snowboy, Bunny, Terry, and Whitey and how they are going to be friends “til the last snowflake falls”, no matter what. And boy, do they have some dangerous adventures that require sticking their necks out for each other!

I really enjoyed this story. It should be a classic, right alongside How The Grinch Stole Christmas and The Night Before Christmas. If you have any elementary school aged kids, get this for them and enjoy it together.

Rating: 4 ½ stars

Book 2---October 9, 2016


The Adventures of Fawn Book 2: The Ona Pendulum

Book 2 of The Adventures of Fawn literally picks up right where book 1 left off. Fawn and her friends just can’t catch a break! They are all thrown into a new adventure, this time revolving around The Ona Pendulum, a device that controls aging. All of the charming characters from book 1 returns, as well as a few new ones. Snowboy still enjoys making up words, Fawn still has a bit of an anger problem, and the amtastic hand-drawn pictures have also returned. As for the changes, other than the obvious new adventure, Santa plays a larger part in this one, it’s a tiny bit more violent, we get some backstory, and there’s a love story!

I loved it. I haven’t finished the third one yet, although the review for that one will be posted soon, but I imagine it keeps the same tone and magical quality. I’d recommend picking up the whole series to read during Christmas. If you have elementary school kids or younger, read it aloud to them! It’s a magical series that will delight during the holidays. Each book is pretty long, they are longer than typical kids books, so you could read these throughout the whole Christmas season!

Rating: 4 ½ stars

Book 3---October 10, 2016


Fawn and crew return once more for the last book in this beautiful trilogy. I feel like I’m just repeating myself but it’s all true. The writing and plot is magical, the characters are funny and well-developed, and the illustrations are hand-drawn and whoever did them (I assume the author) is very talented! The adventures continue and they seem to be getting more and more dangerous. There are some teary moments in this one but all the charm and the humor of the first two reappear as well.

I feel like I can’t write much about book 3’s plot without giving away spoilers for the entire series!

I’m giving this book a five but it’s really a five for the whole trilogy. They are very good books and they should become Christmas classics. If these books had been published by one of the big publishing houses, they already would be and we’d probably be getting movies soon. I still think they are a bit too lengthy for children’s books but they are good and they are worth it.

Rating: 5 stars

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